PenQuest at ITsecX

This year’s ITsecX at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences followed the motto “Security Risk Economics: The Value of (Missing) Security” and again welcomed security experts, alumni, and interested techies to an evening of lively IT security exchange. We offered participants the chance to play the current alpha of PenQuest and received invaluable feedback and …

Seminar at Uni LU

The team was invited to hold a seminar at Uni Luxemburg and engage in an interesting exchange with the local game theory experts. Future collaboration and possible applications of PenQuest to the domain of physical border security was discussed.

OCG Think Tank

The team was happy to present PenQuest at this year’s think tank webinar series at the Austrian Computer Society. There was a lively discussion and we were able to win new testers for our cyber defense game!

Invited talk at MIT

Our project has garnered the attention of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s ALFA group, which specializes in Machine learning, evolutionary algorithms, and data science for knowledge mining, prediction, analytics, and optimization. With projects in cyber security and software analysis, the model behind PenQuest was of particular interest to the researchers. The experts at ALFA expressed …