Major alpha release

Work on PenQuest is progressing nicely. We have added many new features to the latest client, expanding on how the game realistically depicts cyber attacks. In addition, numerous stability fixes and general code overhauls have come a long way to make PenQuest more playable than ever. Thanks to the team for their ceaseless efforts! As …

Backend overhaul

In preparation for reinforcement learning and other AI magic, we are currently overhauling the entire backend and middleware. This includes: Alpha players: Please be aware that this might temporarily (re)introduce errors that were not there is earlier versions. Hang in there, we are working on it! Update (May 2024): Overhaul done & most bugs squished!

We’re no longer on X

We recently realized that there is a thing called “social media”. This prompted us to create the Twitter account @PenQuestGame where you can find more news, and, most importantly, patch notes for the game. Whenever we update the master branch, we’ll let you know there! Update: Well… X happened. Guess this was it for our …

SVG Design Contest

We want you to leave your mark in PenQuest! Come up with an icon (SVG) for an action or piece of equipment and you might soon see your creation in the game! We’ll say thank you by adding you to the team credits and will unlock a unique game avatar for your PenQuest account. Check …